Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cheese Breadsticks.

Star Rating:  Five
Schwans Order Number: 634

Holy Cheese Batman.  These babies are perfect.  They had just the right amount of cheese on the inside.  What I liked about them was that when you took a bit, the cheese didn’t all pull out (you know what I am talking about) and all you were left with was a plain old breadstick.   The kids devoured them, in fact Brian came home late and didn’t make it in time for dinner…by then the kids had eaten his breadsticks…you snooze you lose my friend!  These are a must buy again!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm.....BACK!! & Homestyle Beef Goulash

Yep, I'm back. Ready to feed your family scrumptious Schwans food! Are you ready? We don't do alot of Schwans in the summer, we tend to grill and eat lots of wraps! Man, I do love me a good wrap, but they just don't seem to do it for me in the fall and winter. We need us some warm food!

Star Rating: 5 Starts
Schwans Order Number: 459

My kids LOVED this stuff. Like, asked for thirds kind of love, which was great, but the serving size says four. There is was not enough to serve four. It served three just fine. I had a taste and then ended up eating something else, which is what a good mother does. Feeds her family first...Right?!

So back to the goulash. Everyone says goulash reminds them of funeral food. Now I haven't been to alot of funerals, but I don't ever recall eating goulash. Do you?

This goulash was super saucy, so I served it with buttered bread, so you could scoop up the sauce with your bread and the kids loved that too!

I am not sure I would order this again, being it only serves 3, but I am going to try to make this myself in the near future..anyone have any good recipes?

Now make sure you get signed up with Schwans, they have good coupons on there every once in awhile, the other day they had $10 off a $60 order! Not bad, plus if you sign up for the Schwans Rewards, you get money back with each order and it adds up fast. The only thing with that is that you have to order online, but the nice thing is when the Schwans guy gets there, your order is done, they just have to bring it in! It saves tons of time!